We’re raising critical funds to support Driver’s License Restoration in North Carolina!

We have a driver’s license suspension crisis in North Carolina and the Pro Bono Resource Center urgently needs your help. 


The Driver’s License Restoration Project was created to address this crisis. Together with pro bono attorney volunteers, our work on advice letters has a life-changing impact for the people we serve, and the communities in which they live. The loss of a driver’s license has wide-ranging consequences – it reduces options for employment and reliable transportation to work, reduces family incomes, limits access to medical care and educational resources, and ultimately destabilizes communities.  


Client demand for advice letters has exploded, rising 73% on average in the last six months. April 2024 brought our most dramatic surge—we received a staggering 367 requests for advice letters in compared to 167 in April of last year. We need your help to increase our capacity to respond to this overwhelming demand. To address this challenge, we are growing our team to provide more critical support for the hundreds of North Carolinians in need of legal advice.  


The Driver’s License Restoration Project relies on funding from foundations, corporations, and individual donors like you. Because the need is so great, the Pro Bono Resource Center has set an ambitious goal to raise $10,000 by September 30, 2024. These critical funds will allow us to address the surge of requests, prepare records for pro bono clinics, and provide timely advice letters to those awaiting our help. To make this goal more attainable, our Board will generously match all gifts dollar-for-dollar up to $5,000. That means your gift will go twice as far!  


Please join our challenge today and make a gift to help North Carolinians on the Road to Restoration.   


Having trouble making a donation? Make sure that your address bar includes “https://”. Reach out to staff@ncprobono.org for assistance if needed.

(PBRC Team left to right) Meghan Martie, Restorative Justice Project Director, Sylvia Novinsky, Director, NC Pro Bono Resource Center, and Ayana Robinson, Senior Staff Attorney  

The North Carolina Pro Bono Resource Center is a program of the North Carolina Equal Access to Justice Foundation, Inc., a 501(c)(3) organization. Financial information about this organization and a copy of its license are available from the State Solicitation Licensing Branch at 919-814-5400. The license is not an endorsement by the state.